The Stones and Brian Jones
Nick Broomfield
Le guitariste Brian Jones était l’un des fondateurs des Rolling Stones en 1962. En 1969, il a quitté le groupe et peu de temps après, il s’est noyé dans sa piscine. “The Stones and Brian Jones” met en lumière ces sept années tumultueuses.
Le documentaire explore, à travers des interviews révélatrices et des archives jamais dévoilées auparavant, le génie musical créatif de Jones, essentiel au succès des Rolling Stones, et révèle comment le fondateur de ce qui est devenu le plus grand groupe de rock’n’roll au monde, est resté dans l’ombre de l’histoire.
★★★★ “Absorbing reminder that it’s not all about Mick and Keith.” The Telegraph
★★★★ “Nick Broomfield’s biography of the Rolling Stone (…) is at its best when telling his life story through the women who loved him – and whom he, at least temporarily, loved.” The Guardian
“THE STONES & BRIAN JONES brims with piercing insights.” Slant Magazine
“Broomfield has created the definitive documentary on the early days of the Rolling Stones; even more crucially, he has shown both how the Stones became THE STONES and the cost of that success.” The Film Stage
“THE STONES & BRIAN JONES digs deep into the Jones mystique, trying to make the case for him as a misunderstood “genius.” “What struck me, by the end, is how powerfully sad his story was.” Variety
“An absorbing film which aims to restore Jones to his rightful place as a central figure in the story of The Rolling Stones” Daily Telegraph
“It’s certainly tremendously well-made, intensely watchable and, in the end, achingly sad.” Irish Independent
“A surprisingly poignant study of the Rolling Stones co-founder” The Hollywood Reporter
Sortie : 22 mai 2024
Regie: Nick Broomfield
UK – 2023 – 93 min.
Langue : anglais